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Virtual Conference on Term Limits in Africa: 2020 in Retrospective ​

From December 15-17, The National Democratic Institute (NDI) and its partners the African Forum, the Open Society Initiative (OSI), and the Kofi Annan Foundation (KAF) will organize a Virtual Conference on Constitutional Term Limits.

The virtual conference will focus on: “A retrospective look at 2020 and the road ahead.” This event will feature a diverse set of panelists who will analyze the current state of constitutionalism in Africa and attempt to define the path forward, especially in light of continuous and widespread citizen support for term limits and the rule of law.

​The event will bring together constitutional experts, civil society activists, representatives from regional institutions, and former Heads of State from around the continent to take part in this important conversation. It is clear that the issue of constitutional term limits remains a priority, now more than ever.